Effective communication for your construction business is a critical component in Organized Builder. Email, text, and voice mail are great, but as you know, trying to keep track of all your project communications can be difficult at best. You are constantly fishing back through old emails or texts trying to find an important piece of information or phone number, which is highly aggravating and not conducive to a good business practice.
With Organized Builder, you have your own private message system that, while having all the advantages and features of standard email, has the added advantage of being Project-centered. All message strings are saved with in each Project permanently. Builders, their Clients, and Vendors can communicate important project information right through Organized Builder complete with attachments right from the Project Dashboard. All communications are facilitated through the Builder, so you are never out of the loop and, because the messages are permanently saved even after the Project is archived, you will always have a copy of the conversations documented for future use if needed. Once you have set up and begin using the Organized Builder Messaging System, you will wonder how you ever did without it.